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Global Ideas Institute  

2010-11 Expert Speaker Series

Dr. Ken Bassett | Dr. Anita McGahan | Dr. Peter A. Singer | Dr. Yu-Ling Cheng

Anita McGahan

The Health of Humankind – 2050
December 6, 2010 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Munk School of Global Affairs, Room 108N

Dr. Anita M. McGahan
Associate Dean of Research, Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto

Professor McGahan’s research on global health deals with a wide range of topics, including issues relating to the dissemination of new business models – what we often call “scaling up.” In this session, she will frame the imperative for scaling up innovative models for global health by describing how population demographics are changing the game. Professor McGahan’s argument is that innovative and technically sophisticated approaches are essential, but insuffi cient on their own in creating better health outcomes. Innovative organizational approaches are equally important for improving global health.

Anita M. McGahan is Associate Dean of Research, PhD Director, Professor and Rotman Chair in Management at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. She is cross appointed to the Munk School of Global Aff airs; is a Senior Associate at the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard University; and is Chief Economist at the Massachusetts General Hospital Division for Global Health and Human Rights. Her credits include two books and over 100 articles, case studies, notes and other published material on strategic issues of competitive advantage, industry evolution, and fi nancial performance. McGahan is currently pursuing a long-standing interest in the inception of new industries, and in the implications for international development and global health. She has been recognized as a master teacher for her dedication to the success of junior faculty and for her leadership in course development and in 2010 was awarded the Academy BPS Division’s “Irwin Distinguished Educator Award.” A passionate advocate of liberal undergraduate education, McGahan has championed the introduction of a history curriculum in Business Schools.